At BEPS, our whole school Inquiry Investigations approach provides opportunities for students to explore and engage in worldly concepts through hands-on, skills based learning, promoting problem solving, innovative thinking and development of 21st Century skills.
Teachers facilitate learning guided by student prior knowledge, questions and interests to develop global connections and scaffold the core competencies needed to thrive in an ever-changing world.
Victorian Curriculum:
In Inquiry Investigations learning students engage in learning in a range of curriculum areas as seen here. Not only do we, at BEPS, focus on these curriculum learning areas but also provide teaching and learning in the Capabilities such as Personal and social learning.
- History
- Science - Earth, Physics, Biology and Chemistry
- Science Thinking Skills
- Geography
- Economics - Yr 5 and 6
-Digital Technologies
- Design and Technologies
- Capabilities - Personal and Social, Ethical, Critical and Creative Thinking and Interpersonal Skills
Cross-Pollination of Learning:
Inquiry Investigations learning involves skills and strategies across all learning areas as seen here. Students are encouraged to draw on other learning to investigate in depth through hands-on, collaborative learning. Teachers facilitate students' thinking through immersing them in a range of activities to draw on all curriculum areas.
- Writing- text types.
- Reading- texts related to the topic
-Maths- linked where possible
- Leader in Me- supports the topic
- Incursions and excursions
- Embedded within the Specialist Learning Program
Big Ideas:
Inquiry Investigations learning at BEPS allows students to investigate and inquire through a range of real-world tasks and issues. Students are encouraged and guided by teachers to co-create their own learning by developing skills in self-direction, research, critical thinking and problem solving as well as developing knowledge and skills across the curriculum standards.
- Linked to UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Relevant & Global Connections
- Differentiated Learning
- Catered to cohort of learners, driven by their questions
2024 Big Ideas:
Healthy Communities
Life On Land
Innovations, Game Changers and Change Makers
Changing Populations
Previous Big Ideas in 2023:
Good Health and Wellbeing
Responsible Consumption and Production
Renewable Cities and Communities
Life Below Water
Student Voice:
Students are at the centre of learning and are co-creators. Student voice is essential in guiding student learning in Inquiry.
- Students are tuned into the topic to gauge ideas about the topic.
- Students ask questions about the topic.
- Teachers facilitate tasks so that students investigate their questions and find possible solutions.
Students are assessed using clear success continuums outlining expectations. These are given to students during the Investigative Challenge. Teachers focus on the process, not the product. Investigative Challenges are worked on by groups of students which are assessed on The Capabilities learning as well as some of the content knowledge as the term progresses.
- Student involvement and co-creation of Learning Intentions and Success Criteria
- Students self-monitor their learning and conference with teachers on where to next int their learning
Student Quotes:
- I enjoy exploring all the different topics in our Inquiry Investigations. I am curious about the questions that come up and they are fun to research and learn - Emily
- I enjoy researching all the different ways we can make our Earth better for the future - Patrick
- When we do Inquiry Investigations, I love to research and investigate certain areas in our own way and in our own time, in order to complete a final product - Violet
- I really like having the opportunity to research and work together in groups to find ways to improve and make the world a better place - Noyan
- You get to explore different types of subjects and synergise with your peers - Mia
- Being able to learn in a group and do projects with different people - Rosabel
- I enjoyed how we got the responsibility to use Sweet Home 3D as part of building our renewable houses. It was a great opportunity to explore building techniques and to synergise with others - Ariana
- My favourite part of inquiry is the freedom of the way we can represent our work. As an example, this term for inquiry, we got the opportunity to represent our renewable house design with Tinkercad or Sweet Home 3D - Aaryan
- I enjoyed discovering a new program ‘Sweet Home 3D’ to begin to build renewable homes using my learning about renewable energy sources - Anh
@ 2024 Burwood East Primary School