Parents may become members of the School Council, Parents Association or one of the various committees that support the children’s learning environment. We also encourage parents to become involved in their child's education by helping with classroom programs and school events.
Parents Association
Enjoy the friendship and interaction of a group of parents who work together in planning and implementing fundraising and social activities. Meetings are usually during the school day but not necessarily limited to this.
All members of our broad school community are most welcome to join. The president of the PA Group may be contacted through the school office.
Parents/Carers and Curriculum
We encourage parents and carers to be actively involved in a wide range of educational activities and support roles within our curriculum. This greatly enhances the breadth and quality of our programs. Parents and carers can volunteer to support learning within the classroom such as reading or to help with excursions, camps and sporting events. All volunteers need to have a valid Working With Children Check. More information can be found at
School Council
This is a body of elected representatives of parents and teachers. It has many responsibilities connected with the good name and tone of the school. It supervises the raising and spending of school funds. It is responsible, with the Principal, for budgeting the expenditure of school funds – both those contributed by the Department of Education and those raised locally. New Council members are elected annually at the beginning of each year.
The Council has the following sub-committees:
Education, Finance, Buildings and Grounds and Parents Association.
Any parent within the school community is welcome to join any of these committees. Your contributions no matter how small are welcome. You do not need to be a member of School Council to join the sub-committees.
For its success, it is essential that any appeal made by the School Council for assistance is met with understanding and your assistance with voluntary work when the occasion arises, will be greatly appreciated.
@ 2024 Burwood East Primary School